10 Tips on How to grow your eyelashes thicker longer and stronger
Eyelashes are an essential part of the body because they protect and enhance the beauty of the eyes. The eyelashes can also give you a more appealing appearance because they make the eyes stand out. You may have long eyelashes already and don’t know how to take care of them. This article provides 10 tips on how to grow your eyelashes thicker, longer and stronger.
Tip 1 : Use Castor oil
Castor oil is one of the most common ingredients you’ll find in eyelash serums, as it has over time been lauded as a natural method for promoting fuller, longer eyelashes. Its reputation in this regard was solidified after many users began claiming that they’d found success with its use. Though there are of course plenty of products out there that rely on it as an ingredient, the exact science behind castor oil’s ability to lengthen lashes isn’t clear.
For example, some data has suggested that applying a small amount onto your lash line may help your skin shed more quickly which could lead to an appearance of longer and stronger lashes. At the same time though, other studies have shown very little evidence supporting castor oil hair growth for this purpose.
Tip 2 : Omega 3 Fatty Acid
Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in certain types of food, such as salmon and other fish, chia seeds and flax seeds. Dr. Dylan B Alston, a board certified dermatologist from Riverton Utah explains that these supplements can provide oils that are useful for eyelash maintenance and growth, so it may be worth giving them a try in order to achieve the ideal look for your lashes.
Tip 3 : Use Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is commonly used to bring about some relief for sunburns and other conditions which may cause damage to the skin on your face, but did you know that aloe vera may also help with eyelashes? First of all, remember not to get it directly in your eyes. The hair follicles are stimulated and this can lead to a healthier lash,” explains Dr. Alston. A word of caution: avoid the eyes if possible, do a patch test on your skin before applying or try another natural eyelash growth hack!
Tip 4 : Consider Biotin
While biotin is definitely a “buzzword” in natural hair growth, Dr. Shainney has seen cases where people only end up wasting money on supplements because it isn’t directly the cause of their hair loss. But what we want to point out specifically is anyone on the trail of bettering their health should ask special healthcare professionals about any deficiencies they might have – no matter how small. In that way, you’ll also know if your body is struggling to cope with certain nutrients as well as which ones you might need more of than others.
For example, for women who want healthier hair instead of falling into a pattern of relaxing or curling their locks; our derms can tell them what’s missing in certain nutrition and diet so they can take the right steps towards growing strong and healthy tresses again!
Tip 5 : Apply Coconut Oil
Not only is virgin coconut oil safe and gentle enough to use to remove your makeup, but it’s also a great moisturizer and strengthener for your eyelashes. In fact, one study showed that by applying coconut oil as part of your nightly beauty routine you can prevent hair loss. This will transfer the nutrients from the coconut to nourish and activate growth within each lash as well as prevent breakage while still boosting its softness!
Tip 6 : Vitamin E
Revives weak lashes, increases blood circulation to hair follicles and helps encourage growth of new lashes.
Method Of Application: Vitamin E oil is encased in small pills called capsules. Some vitamin E capsules can be broken open without the use of a sharp instrument. Apply a few drops of vitamin E directly to your eyelashes every day, using a special applicator brush or back of a clean mascara wand. You may also apply this oil before applying mascara to prevent lash clumping and breakage. Try to invest in mascaras with natural emollients like vitamins E and essential oils that are great for conditioning the skin keeping it healthy and young looking!
Tip 7 : Use Olive Oil
Olive oil is a necessity. There’s nothing like tapping into the fantastic qualities of pure fruity, greenish gold liquid only to realize you don’t have any in your kitchen! And with good reason – there’s an infinite number of things that the do-it-all oil can be used for, from massages and moisturizing your skin to cooking, cleansing and more. But don’t let its versatility lead you to believe that it’ll work for everything.
Tip 8 : Make Healthy Hygiene habits
Your eyes are also extremely sensitive and starting off well with eye makeup application is vital later. You may find that your eyes are more prone to irritation if you have poor hygiene habits. For example, never keeping makeup on overnight, avoiding expired or contaminated cosmetics, not sharing makeup with others, and regularly cleaning your brushes or sponges can severely affect your eyelashes.
Tip 9 : Consider Some Product
It is advised to apply mascara with a brush that is not too small or too large. Otherwise, you may end up pinching your eyelashes and damaging them. Instead, opt for a hydrating nighttime routine using petroleum jelly or castor oil. These products can improve the health of your eyelashes and stimulate their growth automatically.
Tip 10 : Try Vaseline
If you have some extra change in your pocket, put it towards a budget-friendly beauty product that may actually be able to do away with the need for expensive products. Vaseline, which you can pick up at pretty much any store or pharmacy will fix most skin problems because of its versatility. Even though the tube is small, only a tiny drop is needed per use and it can last for months depending on how often you apply it. Some people report experiencing fuller and thicker lashes as a result of regularly using this product at the base of their lashes or lash tips.
Now that you know how to grow your eyelashes in the right way, you can take steps toward making your eyelashes look beautiful and perfect. These tips we have provided will help you grow your eyelashes to be thicker, stronger and longer. We hope you enjoyed our article on how to grow eyelashes.